Saturday, March 5, 2011


The nerves anesthetized are the long terminal branches of the target tooth. The areas anesthetized for the maxilla are the pulp, soft tissue, the bone in the area of the injection. The areas for the mandible are the soft tissue in the area of the tooth. The landmarks for both the maxilla and the mandible are the mucobuccal fold, parallel to the root and close to the bone and apex over the tooth. For the mandible only, the landmarks are the junction of the lingual attached gingiva and the floor of the mouth parallel to the long axis of the tooth, near the target tooth, and close to the bone. The syringe position is parallel with the long axis of the tooth at the height of the mucobuccal fold over the target tooth. The depth of insertion is until the bevel is covered (2-3 mm).

72hour stomach stapling night sweats