Friday, January 28, 2011

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Basic Dental Implant Surgery

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Get Dental Implants?

There is much talk about dental implants. Getting a dental implant can be expensive. If you need more than one tooth done, it is double expensive, so the question comes - why get dental implants. This article will look at the options, and benefits. Join me as we take a look.

For many people the loss of teeth is a natural process of age. Naturally many people will lose teeth due to wear and tear. This is a natural phenomenon and though we can do things to prolong them, it is part of life.

What will many people do in this situation? They will go forward with dentures. It is very cost effective and allows the person to chew and get by. However, it is not the best solution.

Dentures don't look good, are inconvenient, and really make people feel old. There are also the awkward situations when they can fall out when you are eating and have guest round.

Do people need to go through such hassles? Do people need to go around with missing teeth? The answer luckily is no!

There are many solutions, by far the best today comes in the form of dental implants. This is a technology which has improved though it is not new.

In the Mayan civilization, it has been found that they had dental implants, though not how we have them today. Today the technology has improved.

Dental implants allow you to have what looks like real teeth, feel like real teeth, and no one will notice unless you tell them! Now this is a solution which is allowing people to smile with confidence. There is no need for gaps in the mouth due to missing teeth, and there is no need for people to have the awkward situations of having dentures drop out, such as at a party!

The question is whether it is really worth it? The answer is a big yes. The last paragraph details the possible problems associated with missing teeth, and you just don't have to go through such problems.

The dental implants use some amazing technology. Titanium parts are joined to the jaw bone, making for a very strong base. Then the tooth is attached on top.

The dental implant feels like a real tooth, and thanks to the titanium parts, you can rest assured that you have a tooth implant that will last for decades. There is more great things that happen with a dental implant, and that is that when you need a replacement tooth, it is easy for them to attach a new tooth without all the hassle.

This happens thanks to getting the titanium parts that act as the root of the tooth. The question of whether it is worth getting done is fully answered in this last few paragraphs. The verdict is in, for natural looking and feeling teeth, nothing can compare like a dental implant.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Implante Dental (Cirugia) Surgery Tooht Implant

Los Implantes Dentales son unas raíces artificiales que se colocan (implantan) en el hueso mandibular o maxilar, creando una base sólida sobre la que se pueden efectuar tanto restauraciones de dientes individuales, como prótesis parciales o totales, y funcionan exactamente igual que nuestros dientes naturales. Los implantes dentales nos permitirán masticar con total comodidad, sonreír y hablar con la misma seguridad que con nuestros propios dientes. Existen tres componentes principales en los Implantes Dentales: El implante, que es el medio de anclaje y que se coloca quirúrgicamente dentro del hueso, el poste, que es el medio de unión entre el implante y la prótesis, y el diente individual artificial o prótesis completa. Los tratamientos con Implantes Dentales no son una opción para todos. Su colocación es realizada por cirugía oral y el paciente debe gozar de buena salud, tener sus encías sanas y el hueso en condiciones adecuadas de soporte para la colocación de estos Implantes Dentales, aunque en la actualidad ya se puede colocar hueso sintético. Primero, la cirugía es realizada, esta puede durar un par de horas y de tres a seis meses será el tiempo requerido para permitir al hueso que crezca al rededor del Implante y lo solidifique en posición. Las cirugías para colocación de Implantes Dentales pueden realizarse en un consultorio Dental propiamente equipado o en un hospital. Estos Implantes pueden colocarse con anestesia local o bajo sedación endovenosa. Normalmente ...

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